Sawaqi summer clouds

Boundless Summer

After passing Miziara, a pristine road leads to Sawaqi.

On our hike starting from Sawaqi, there's not much human intervention, except for some fresh water containers for the farmers' sheep.

Although we knew there was a cedar forest on our way, we didn't know that Karm el Mohr was that big, extending to the top and sides of the mountain.

After passing the cedar forest, Juniper (lazzab) trees dominated the scene.

A whole herd was resting under a tree after a morning of grazing.

That's got to be the fanciest cloth line I've seen!

It was a cloudy day, so the jumiper's trunk revealed its patterns and colors.

For an August summer day, we were lucky to be drenched in fresh fog. The hike was strenuous, but at least we weren't sweating the summer heat away.

We finally arrived to a farm land and 3 cute little ponds.

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