Early spring in Horsh Ehden

Spring Hikes

This was the first time I take my colleagues at Anghami to a hike. Horsh Ehden is a very well protected nature reserve in North Lebanon.

Hiking in Horsh Ehden is so delightful in all seasons, including snowshoeing in winter.

Due to its location, the reserve is often foggy, even if it's sunny all over the country.

Diversity abounds in Horsh Ehden. It's known to be the reserve with the most biodiversity in Lebanon.

Wandering a little off trail, a hidden valley is filled with cedar trees.

Fallen trees are left untouched because they're still part of nature's cycle.

It was so much fun to hike with my colleagues!

Towards the end of the trail, we sat and enjoyed the orange sun.

Flowers in Ehden grow later in spring, but visiting earlier still shows a forest that's celebrating the end of winter.

On that weekend, we were lucky enough to have Souk El Akel happening in Ehden town! It's a street food event that perfectly ends a day in the wilderness.

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